Continuous Delivery and beyond

Prelegent: Michał Krzyżanowski
Continuous Delivery enables us to deliver software quickly and with high quality, ideally keeping our application production-ready with each code change, allowing us to ship that change right away. It is not a trivial process to introduce in a project or organization though. But can something as complicated as Continuous Delivery get even more complex?
‚Shift left’ approach to testing, risk analysis, consistent environments and build processes thanks to Chef, Vagrant and Jenkins Pipelines and a backlog that is possible to deliver in such methodology – these are only a few of elements that help us reach that goal.
When going from monolithic architecture of our application to microservices realm a myriad of new challenges are born. How complicated our build pipelines get and how can we easily orchestrate them? What if your application is not as modular as you would like it to be? What if your client is not quite ready for the dynamics that CD brings? And most importantly, how to maintain the same quality level with the above problems?
I would like to share my thoughts regarding these questions and on the future of DevOps in the quality-focused world.

To gain the most from the presentation, the audience should be familiar with:
  • microservices and monolithic architecture
  • continuous delivery
  • shift-left approach to testing
  • the general idea about tools for configuration management, service discovery

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